What is Graves’ disease? Graves’ disease is a disorder of the immune system that affects thyroid, skin and eye in the body. Though it may occur in any age in both the sexes, it is generally more common in females
Thyroid Disease & Eye
![Thyroid Disease & Eye Thyroid Disease & Eye](https://kdeye.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Thyroid-Disease-Eye.png)
What is Graves’ disease? Graves’ disease is a disorder of the immune system that affects thyroid, skin and eye in the body. Though it may occur in any age in both the sexes, it is generally more common in females
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) In premature babies the blood supply of peripheral retina is not fully developed. This avascular retina stimulates growth of abnormal new blood vessels, which cause shrinkage of the retina and can ultimately lead to retinal detachment,
Retinal Detachment Retina is the light sensitive inner layer of the eye where the images are formed and are later relayed to the brain. This is akin to the photographic film of a camera, and is very important for vision.
Retinoblastoma Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the eye in children. It originates from the retina, the light sensitive layer, in eye. It is the commonest eye tumor of the eye in childhood. . This tumor may involve one (75% of
Refractive surgeries (LASIK Laser for Removing Glasses) What are the various refractive surgeries? The refractive power of the eye can be changed by any of the three approaches: Changing the curvature of the cornea: this is the most popular mode
What is refractive error? The function of the eye is to see clearly the objects around us. The inability of the eye to accurately focus the rays of light coming from distance on the retina is called refractive error. This
How to know if my child has poor vision? Normally a child should be able to recognize mother and have a social smile by 6-8 weeks of age. If the child has poor vision in both the eyes, then he/she
How can high blood pressure affect the eyes? Hypertension or high blood pressure leads to many changes in the blood vessels of the body. These same changes in blood vessels affect the eyes in many ways. It can cause the
High Myopia People who have minus number glasses more than 6 diopter in power are said to have high or pathologic myopia. The glasses number of such patients may even be as high as 15 to 20 diopters. The eyeball
Flashes & Floaters Flashes and Floaters are symptoms experienced by many people. Flashes are experienced as a lighting streak, originating within the eye, in the field of vision. Flashes are most often noticed at night or in a dark room.